In Honor of Valentine's Day...
In honor of the impending Valentine's Day...
Top Ten Songs To Play Post Break-Up
1. "Caught out There" by Kelis. Before "Milkshake" shook the charts, Kelis broke out with this song "dedicated to all the women who've been lied to by their men." The fact it starts with her remembering last year's Valentine's Day makes it all the more perfect.
2. "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera. It's hard for me to admit for all on the Internet to see that I actually like any song by "Xtina," but I worked out a lot of post-breakup angst to this song. Trust me, there's no better song for a girl to put on if she's going to go four rounds with the punching bag at the gym.
3. "Song for the Dumped" by Ben Folds Five. This bitter yet somehow simultaneously upbeat song cracks me up even when I'm down in the dumps. Maybe it's because I also once had to fight to get an article of clothing back from an ex.
4. "Someone You Love" by The Folk Implosion. The twist to this deceptively titled song is that the singer doesn't want to be someone you love.
5. "Since I Left You" by the Avalanches. When I first heard this song, I thought the lyrics were "Since I met you, I found a world so new" and I liked it, but when I found out it was "left" and not "met," I loved it. The idea that the ending of one thing can open up brand new worlds is a welcome sentiment after a break-up.
6. "Hate to Say I Told You So" by The Hives. Let's say you've been unceremoniously dumped, then a month later, your ex calls you up, begging for a second chance. Laughingly, so over him, you might play this over the phone in response. I'm just saying.
7. "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson. Seriously, I'm not 16, despite the prevalence of teen music on this list. Shut up, it's a good song.
8. "Days Go By" by Dirty Vegas. The end of the playlist gets a little sadder, starting with Dirty Vegas, who sings about the fact that even as time passes, you still can't stop thinking about the ex.
9. "Good Morning Heartache" by Billie Holiday. I had to include one Billie Holiday song, for the way she sung me through my first big heartbreak in college. This is a great wallow and cry song. Not that I would do such a thing.
10. "Still in Love Song" by The Stills. Not over that last flame yet? Yeah, the Stills know how you feel. Watch them sing their this song from their debut album, "Logic Will Break Your Heart" here.
Other notables from my playlist: "I Hope You Die" by the Bloodhound Gang; "Hurt" covered by Johnny Cash; "Not the One" by the Donnas; "Linger" by the Cranberries... So many songs about failed love, so little time.
Valentine's Day Playlist #2: New Romance
I'm getting ready for my date tonight, and as I do, I'm shaking my groove thang to my favorite songs about the sweet, nerve-wracking, exhilarating beginnings of romance.

Toby's Top Ten Songs About Finding and Falling in Love
1. "Happy Meal" by the Cardigans -- I've never heard another song detail so perfectly the pre-date process, that giddy feeling leading up to opening the door that makes your heart leap.
2. "Hit" by The Sugarcubes -- "This wasn't supposed to happen," wails Bjork, reacting to being blindsided by a new love.
3. "A Sunday Kind of Love" by Etta James -- Will I find a love that will last past Saturday night? Time will tell. In the meantime you can find this song among these romantic compilations.
4. "Get What You Need" by Jet -- Though not expressly about love, this upbeat pop tune is like a personal cheerleader for me.
5. "Date With the Night" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Nothing gets me ready for a date like dancing around my apartment to this song.
6. "I've Got a Feeling" by Ivy -- A sweet song about finally being ready to let love into your life.
7. "It's Oh So Quiet" by Bjork -- Bjork gets a second spot for her remake of a song that was originally called "Blow a Fuse."
8. "The Way You Make Me Feel" by The Black Eyed Peas -- If you're pining for someone and want them to know, this song could be a less-than-subtle way to clue them in.
9. "Got to Get You Into My Life" by The Beatles -- It was hard to pick just one Beatles song, but this early Beatles song fits my mood.
10. "Falling for You" by Jem -- Jem (who's appeared often on The O.C.) croons about the fear of being hurt that comes when you start falling for someone. And the fact that you fall anyway.
Glad you liked my playlists.
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