
Quote from "For Matrimonial Purposes" by Ravita Daswani...
"They say that you find the love you seek when you stop looking. They say that the second you get busy with work, friends, other interests outside romance, that the man or woman of your dreams comes sauntering into your life.
I say they're wrong.
The fact is, when you're looking for love, you can't ever really stop. The possibility of it lingers in every dinner invitation, at every cocktail party, in every plane, train and bus ride. It hovers in the air each time you attend a wedding, take a language class, occupy a window table at your favorite restaurant. The scent of it beckons from around the very next corner. It could happen tomorrow, it could happen today.
They say these things are destined. They say it is written in the starrs, that love appears in many forms, and it's in the discovery of its uniqueness that true bliss is found.
I say they're right."

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