The Eyes - Window To Your Soul
blue eyes - people with blue eyes have the most sex positions and techniques. they're awesome at diversity and trying new things and very rarely will say no to ANY experience. if you have blue eyes and repost this you will learn your favorite technique while having sex in the next 3 days.
brown eyes - people with brown eyes last the longest in bed. . they are very satisfying and love to please and can EXCEED your pleasure standards. if you repost this if you have brown eyes you will have the best sex sometime in the next 5 days.

green eyes - people with green eyes have the most passion put into having sex, they don't have sex with strangers and rarely will have a one night stand, therefore they have lasting relationships with great sex. you will meet the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with if you repost this.
hazel eyes - very mysterious and unpredictable, theyre usually into the leather bondage scene and getting into costumes such as maids, nurses, schoolgirls etc. you never know what's coming next with hazel eyes.
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