Set Free

Thank you for setting me free. Free from continuing a relationship that was headed no where. Thank you for confirming that you weren't the man I needed you to be. Thank you for proving your selfishness, your judgementalism, your insecurities and your projections of them on me, your paranoia, your utter worthlessness in my life. Thank your for showing me that I deserve better and that you were unable and unwilling to give it to me. Thank you for proving your lack of morals and consideration for others.
I am free. I came out with a few scars. (Who doesn't get a scar from a DOG BITE!?)
I am a better person for it. Karma is a bitch baby. And don't worry, people will know what you are. You can't lie to them and yourself forever. You said I made you feel like an asshole. If the shoe fits, wear it.
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