Work XMas Party
A work Christmas party is always a touchy affair. There's always the people who get too drunk, too early, the ones who dance, the ones who think they can dance and the ones who hook up with each other. So much food for work gossip. My work party was last Thursday. I detest work parties pretty much but the pressure was on to attend and since I want to make a good impression, I agreed to go.
We had to pay, first of all, which I think is just CHEAP on behalf of my extremely profitable company, but oh well, at least I got a couple drinks out of it. They were watered down and small and did nothing for someone with the alcoholic habits of a priest in seminary, but I digress.
I arrived there and it was HELLA cold out. But the venue was something I wanted to check out and if only for that reason, I am glad I did. I spent the better part of an hour perusing the crowd for people I knew. I recognized a few people from the office, but was basically shunned and quickly became irate at the whole ordeal. Because it was definitely becoming an ordeal.
There were the people trying too hard - BALLGOWNS at a Christmas party??? and then the rude self-important people who categorically refused to move when you tried to get by and excused yourself.
My one moment of sanity was that my friend was dj-ing and when he went on break for the shows and band, who incidentally sang songs such as "It's Raining Men" and badly, well we hung out. We made fun of the whole thing, I ate about $100 worth of passable sushi and then I called it a night when the boy called me and my friend was going back to dj to a crowd of dolts.
I came, I saw, I left.

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