Things That Make Me Happy Today
- The GORGEOUS weather
- Talking to friends
- No house guests
- Finding my paperwork AND realizing I can get unemployment
- An interview scheduled tomorrow for a party planning company
- A new B'Ugo mix!
- Seeing Chris later
- Mom's apple pie

- Looking forward to a) Dinner @ Annabelle's with her and Shanda
b) Dinner with Demi on Friday :)
- Dan visiting on the weekend
- Dimitri from Paris, Vibe, David Guetta & Demi on the weekend! (Plus Lil Dave's Bday!)
- The purchase of a new feather boa
- The prospect of a great bottle of wine later
- Great books I read on the weekend
- Having had a good visit with my family
- Seeing Sumi tomorrow?
- Taboule for lunch!
All in all, my week is shaping up nicely! :)
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