My friend has a store on the corner of St-Marc & Ste-Catherine in Montreal that is called Substance. (He has an up to 69% sale on right now, lol) Another friend drove me by, so I could drop something off and when I returned to the car, he asked me, "If someone steals something from the store, is it substance abuse?"
Speaking of substance, is it wrong to be bothered by someone's habits, when you have your own? The whole pot vs. kettle dilemna.

And why do some people stress and make a big deal about things that have yet to happen and never have and probably never will, but WHAT IF IT DOES?
One fat, bald white wigger guy I know tried to get me to go home and sleep with him on Saturday night. In front of a club which has a black doorman I said to him, "I really don't think so, and by the way, you're not black." The doorman thought it was hilarious.
And once again, I LOVE NYC! I met a lovely, amazing, cute, sweet (and of course, gay) DJ from NYC, Scott Thompson. We ended up hanging out quite a bit and laughing our heads off. Which brings me back to my eternal question, why do I love hanging out with my gay boys more than anyone else?!
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