Bad Day

Last Saturday I had to work, which didn't really impress me, but I still have better hours and days off for the moment (and forever more, due to my new job) so I thought that I couldn't really complain. I think I thought wrong.
I was supposed to go straight from work to a soiree so asked my friend who I was supposed to go with if he could pick me up. He asked me what I would give him for it. That already annoyed me, but then he had to kick it up a notch and ask me for a bj. Now, this guy is the biggest queen on the face of the planet… So I don't know what planet he was on that day, but he is now officially persona non grata in my world.
I then left at six pm and made my way to the bus stop. I'd woken up late in the morning as my alarm hadn't rung and had dashed to work looking like a partying rocker chick, complete with green crocodile skin Guess pleather jacket, which looks hella cool, but isn't the warmest thing in the world. The day had turned cold and rainy and I waited an entire HOUR freezing on the side of the highway until the wrong bus finally showed up and I decided to take it partway to the Metro I needed and then walk the rest. At least I'd be in motion and no longer just becoming a popsicle.
The entire hour I was there was indeed lovely as there was a tiny Russian child in the bus shelter with me, perhaps two or three years old and he kept marching around and making scary sounding declarations in Russian. I hate to generalize, but that Russian kid was F-ed up! Communism, anyone?
FINALLY, over an hour after work, I made it to the Metro, only to be greeted by the "40 Year Anniversary" celebration. Frozen stiff, I wanted to go and lose it on the guy working there for the lack of buses (Three of mine should have passed in the time I was waiting) - "40 Years of SHITTY Service" indeed!
The Metro ride provided more torture. Between the Indian women with their "6 Kumars" shopping bags & curry odour and the elderly black man who wet himself BADLY (It was all the way down to his ankles), by the time I reached good old Verdump, I had had enough.
But the night just got worse...
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