
A fictional collision between art, commercial culture and madness.
In the spring of 1999, the Family Learning Channel commissioned animator Don Hertzfeldt to produce promotional segments for their network. The cartoons were completed in five weeks. The Family Learning Channel rejected all of them upon review, and they were never aired...
Watch the insanity, the hilarity here!
Mikvah: An ancient ritual bath in which Jewish women traditionally immerse after their monthly cycle and before the resumption of sexual relations. Also used for conversion.
Mikvah has been passed down from mother to daughter as a thoroughly private, even secret ritual. Today it is a many-faceted silent celebration of womanhood observed by a broad spectrum of Jewish women.
This is the man I love. I went through two abusive marriages before I finally found the right guy. I want babies with him. I want clones of this man. My first marriage was an arranged marriage when I was seventeen. Mikvah was something that I accepted in the same way we accepted other rules, even though I may not have liked them or understood why. When I married the second time, mikvah still meant nothing to me. Zero. When I was standing in the mikvah on the night before my third wedding, I started crying. Each time I went down I felt more engulfed by the water, more purified by the water. The immersion that was supposed to be a preparation for getting married became an act of being born. In that short time I made a commitment that this is something I'm going to observe for me. No one is making me do it. |
This is the story of my name: Once upon a time there was a TV show called Charlie's Angels.
I just had to post this one... Clickity click HERE!
No bones about it, you're an intelligent, playful Pug. Witty and charming, you're a lot of dog wrapped in a small package. People just love you — a wonderful approachability and sense of humor put you at the top of everyone's list. And because you're smart and quick-witted, you attract a crowd wherever you go. (Have you ever considered running for office or starting a company? You've got the charisma for either.) But that doesn't mean you can't be a little naughty or mischievous when opportunity knocks — you've definitely got a nose for fun! A happy, optimistic breed, you're admired and respected by all. Woof!
This song just RULES. It's on my top three at the moment for sure. THANKS ROGER SANCHEZ for introducing me to it!!!
Today I was so reminded that one door closing is just there to give the chance for another door to open. I've had a very good day, all things considered. I spent a great afternoon and evening with someone. I feel truly blessed to have the friends I do and to be living the life I lead. Funny how someone can make you realize that without even necessarily trying to.
I think that the next few weeks, if not months are going to be quite tumultuous but in the end, energizing and positive times for me. I've started cleaning out things and people out of my life that I have found less than positive or that I have found unnecessarily negative.
So Day One of THE NEW JOB SEARCH starts... I wake up at 11ish in the morning, which isn't bad, considering I was up til almost 7 am and I feel pretty good. I honestly think that the job was killing me. I feel much better today than I have in a long time. Wow. To think that a job that I felt like was killing my soul actually might have been.
Donkey Blow Up Doll: Shake a little ass!!
What It Does: Throw out your old Blow Up Sheep, and upgrade to Desperado the donkey! Get prepared for the wildest donkey ride ever! It's time to feed your donkey some meat.
Pleasure Points: Perfect item for your next adult party! Desperado the Donkey comes complete with a Real Sound speaker. Includes 3 - LR44 cell batteries.
Just what is it supposed to sound like though? This is kind of disturbing...
Well this week is turning out lovely. I'm honestly terrified I may have something seriously wrong with me and am going to the doctor to find out more. Let's just say it could be the big C. It's common in my family, so let's just say I'm scared with reason.
I have a headache that just won't go away... No matter what I do. I got it from going for a walk outside as I thought it would be healthy. I guess I should just keep getting drunk and crunk as then if I'm in any sort of pain, I just don't notice it. Ignorance (os substance abuse) truly is bliss.... Substance abuse for a brighter future I say!
Once again, cookies are an important element in my life. You know that you have found a great guy when he brings you cookies. That is all I can say. Comes to meet you at work and brings you cookies, so you can have cookie therapy and went scouting around your office to find some at 10 pm... I see great things in the future!
You know, having anemia isn't the easiest thing in the world... Most of the time I just feel more tired than usual. (And yes I'm trying to take better care of myself so my situation improves...) But sometimes I just feel like COMPLETE ass. Like this morning. I feel like a truck ran over me and my body aches all over...
Once again I have found myself falling in love with another man that I can't really have. But I still do have his love and he's incredible. I love how life presents to you small gifts like moments shared with a soul mate.
Life is hard children. That is my lesson of today. But there will be people you meet along the way who will be your soul mates. Who make you feel truly blessed to be alive. Truly blessed to have known them even if only for a moment. I had one of those ephiphanies this weekend where I realized that I truly do have love in my life, just not from the usual sources. I wouldn't trade the people I love me for anything because I know their love is true and pure.
Some of these are too much!!!